HomeCancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Kaplan Living Cancellation Policy

If you are a student (“you”) and you have signed or accepted a contract for accommodation with Kaplan (“us”, “we”, “our”), this policy applies to you. Throughout this policy, the accommodation contract shall be referred to as the “Accommodation Agreement”.  

This policy details what happens when you or we wish to cancel the Accommodation Agreement.  

Please note that there are different sections of this policy that apply to you, depending on whether you are studying with Kaplan:  

If you are unsure as to which sections of the policy apply to you, please contact us at: pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com and we will be able to help.  

Please note that there may be additional cancellation terms that apply to you:  

If those additional cancellation terms in any way conflict with the terms detailed in this policy, the terms in this policy shall prevail.  

This policy also covers: 

This policy should be considered fully incorporated into your Accommodation Agreement.  

Section 1 – applicable to all students 

If you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement, the following terms apply to all students: 

(a) Written notice 

You must give us written notice that you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement. This can be done:  

The written notice should include:  

Please note that regardless of the reasoning behind why you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement, you must always notify us of your wish to cancel using the methods above.  

Please note that if you are cancelling your Accommodation Agreement on medical grounds, you should note the additional requirements to submit a qualified medical practitioner’s letter at section 1, point (h) below.  


When you cancel your Accommodation Agreement, you:  

The Accommodation Cancellation Fee is intended to cover the cost of room preparation and cleaning for the arrival of a new student and the administration involved in ending your Accommodation Agreement early.  

The amount of the Accommodation Cancellation Fee will depend on the date on which we receive written notice (in accordance with section 1, point (a) above) that you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement. If we receive the written notice:  


The applicable Accommodation Cancellation Fee is payable in most circumstances where a student wishes to cancel their Accommodation Agreement. The ONLY exceptions are detailed in the table below:  

Exception Are you liable to pay the applicable Accommodation Cancellation Fee in these circumstances? Are you liable to pay all fees under your Accommodation Agreement in these circumstances? Where to find more details on this exception in this policy 
A Suitable Alternative Student is not found No Yes  Section 1, point (d) 
Kaplan approves the cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement because, due to extenuating circumstances, you need to return to your home country No No Section 1, point (g) 
Kaplan approves the cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement on medical grounds No No Section 1, point (h) 
You are studying at a Kaplan Pathways College and wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement because your visa has been refused No No Section 2, point (b) 
You are studying at a Kaplan Pathways College and wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement because you submitted (and we accepted) a request to defer the start date of your course before the start date of your Accommodation Agreement No No Section 2, point (c) 
You are not studying at a Kaplan Pathways College and are cancelling within the Initial Cancellation Period No No Section 3, point (a) 

(c) Suitable Alternative Student 

Primarily, it is your responsibility to find an another student to occupy your room once you have left it (unless you fall into one of the exceptions mentioned elsewhere in this policy). This person shall be known as a “Suitable Alternative Student”. Kaplan will also assist you in finding a Suitable Alternative Student. A student will not be considered a Suitable Alternative Student if:  

It is in our absolute discretion as to whether a student will be considered a Suitable Alternative Student. If you believe you have found a Suitable Alternative Student to occupy your room, please contact us at pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com with their details. We will confirm whether or not they are a Suitable Alternative Student and therefore, whether they can move into your room. The Suitable Alternative Student will then be required to sign and/or accept our Accommodation Agreement.  

Final Inspection: 

If a Suitable Alternative Student is located by you or us and accepted by us, you are required to book and attend a final inspection of your room and flat by emailing pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com before returning the room key to the residence office and confirming your contact details on departure.  

(d) Fees 

You remain liable for all fees due under your Accommodation Agreement, particularly and most importantly, the licence fee until the start date of the Suitable Alternative Student’s signed Accommodation Agreement (unless you fall into one of the exceptions mentioned elsewhere in this policy). When your room has been re-licensed by a Suitable Alternative Student, we will release you from your Accommodation Agreement provided that you have paid:  

(e) If a Suitable Alternative Student is not found 

If a Suitable Alternative Student is not found, you will remain liable for all fees due under your Accommodation Agreement until the end date of the agreement (unless you fall into one of the exceptions mentioned elsewhere in this policy). In such circumstances, no Accommodation Cancellation Fee is payable.  

In such circumstances, you can submit an appeal to be released from your Accommodation Agreement earlier than its end date by emailing: pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com with any relevant supporting evidence. This evidence will be reviewed by the relevant Accommodation Manager and you (and your guarantor if applicable) will be notified of their decision and any next steps in writing.  

(f) If you are in arrears under your Accommodation Agreement 

If you are in arrears under your Accommodation Agreement (this means if you have missed an instalment of your licence fee or have missed any other payments due under your Accommodation Agreement), we will not consider any cancellation requests or appeals.  

(g) If you need to return to your home country due to extenuating circumstances 

If you need to return to your home country due to extenuating circumstances, please email:  pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com. We may, at our sole discretion, approve the cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement for this reason. If cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement is approved by us, you will be released from your Accommodation Agreement on the day that you move out (or the date that approval of the cancellation was granted if you move out before you seek approval) and, provided that you provide to us a copy of your passport or other document evidencing return to your home country:  

(h) Cancellation on medical grounds 

If you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement on medical grounds you need to: 

Cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement on medical grounds may or may not be approved at our sole discretion. If your cancellation on medical grounds is approved by us, you will be released from your Accommodation Agreement on the day that you move out (or the date that approval of the cancellation was granted if you move out before you seek approval) and you will not be required to:  

(i) Cancellation of your Accommodation Agreement by Kaplan 

The circumstances in which Kaplan is permitted to cancel your Accommodation Agreement can be found in the Accommodation Agreement.  

Section 2 – applicable to students studying at a Kaplan Pathways College  

If you are studying at a Kaplan Pathways College and wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement, the following terms apply:  

(a) After you receive your accommodation offer 

Once you receive your offer of accommodation from Kaplan, you must complete all of the necessary steps described in the offer letter, which may include (but may not be limited to): 

If you do not complete the above steps (and any other steps described in your offer letter), we reserve the right to cancel your booking for accommodation with us. If you do not complete all of the steps described in your offer letter, you will not be liable to pay the Accommodation Cancellation Fee. In such circumstances, if you have made any licence fee payments, or other fees due under your Accommodation Agreement, such monies will be reallocated against any outstanding tuition fees or other charges on your account, or otherwise refunded to you.  

(b) Cancellation due to visa refusal 

If you fail to meet the UK visa entry requirements and therefore wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement:  

In both of the circumstances outlined above, you will notIn both of the circumstances outlined above, you will:  
be required to find a Suitable Alternative Student; or have to pay the Accommodation Cancellation Fee; or have to pay any licence fees or other fees due under your Accommodation Agreement.   receive a refund of any fees paid under your Accommodation Agreement provided that you submit a request in writing to pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com (or to the UYIPC admissions office if you attend UYIPC) containing the following information/documentation: a copy of your passport;  an official refusal letter from the UK immigration authorities that does NOT refer to: fraudulent or counterfeit documents being submitted as part of the application; or  adverse immigration history not being disclosed at the point of an application being submitted to us or UYIPC.   Please note that receipt of a refund of any fees paid under your Accommodation Agreement in these circumstances is also subject to you following all advice given to you by our or UYIPC visa advisors, or by your visa counsellor from a visa agency in your own country.  

(c) Deferral 

You are permitted to request a deferral of the start date of your course no more than twice. If you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement because you have deferred the start date of your course, the accommodation fees you are required to pay depend on when you submit your deferral request. If we receive your request for deferral: 

Any fees paid in relation to your cancelled Accommodation Agreement will be reallocated to your new Accommodation Agreement. 

(d) Withdrawal 

If you wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement because you have withdrawn from your Kaplan Pathways College course, the accommodation fees you are required to pay depend on the date that you notify us that you wish to withdraw from your course. If you notify us of your withdrawal:  

Section 3 – applicable to students NOT studying at a Kaplan Pathways College  

If you are NOT studying at a Kaplan Pathways College and wish to cancel your Accommodation Agreement, the following terms apply: 

(a) Initial Cancellation Period 

There is a short period after you return your signed or accepted Accommodation Agreement to us during which you can cancel your Accommodation Agreement without any fees being due, known as the “Initial Cancellation Period”. The duration of the Initial Cancellation Period depends on the date that you returned your signed or accepted Accommodation Agreement to us. If you return your Accommodation Agreement to us:  

(b) Withdrawn offer 

If you are a prospective student and your offer of a place at your preferred educational institution is withdrawn because you did not achieve the required entry grades, you may be eligible to be released from your Accommodation Agreement without having to pay any further fees under it. In order to apply to cancel your Accommodation Agreement on these grounds, within three working days from the date that your exam results are published, please send to this email address: pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com:  

If we receive the above information and documentation within three working days from the date that your exam results are published, and you are not attending another educational institution in a city that Kaplan offers accommodation, we will cancel your Accommodation Agreement, and you will not be liable to pay any licence fees or other fees under it. You will also not be required to find a Suitable Alternative Student. However, you will be liable to pay the Accommodation Cancellation Fee (please see section 1, point (b) above).  

If you are attending another educational institution in a city that Kaplan offers accommodation, and Kaplan is able to do so, you will be offered alternative accommodation in that city dependent on availability and your Accommodation Agreement will be amended and remain in place accordingly. If there is no availability, we will cancel your Accommodation Agreement, and you will not be liable to pay any licence fees or other fees under it. You will also not be required to find a Suitable Alternative Student. However, you will be liable to pay the Accommodation Cancellation Fee (please see section 1, point (b) above). 

Section 4 – applicable to students who wish to cancel any Extra Services 

If you wish to cancel any bedding packs, kitchen packs, laundry services, room cleaning services, or Kaplan Living Special Support services (“Extra Services”), you must notify us by emailing: pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com. Please note that not all Kaplan accommodation offers all Extra Services. The following conditions apply to cancellation of Extra Services if they are offered at your accommodation:  

(a) Bedding packs, kitchen packs and laundry services (the “Section A Services”) 

Any refund for cancellation of the Section A Services is dependent on when we receive your request to cancel the Section A Services. If we receive a request to cancel any of the Section A services:  

(b) Room cleaning services (the “Section B Services”) 

Any refund for cancellation of the Section B Services is dependent on when we receive your request to cancel the Section B Services. If we receive a request to cancel any of the Section B services:  

(c) Kaplan Living Special Support services (“KLSS”) 

KLSS is a mandatory Extra Service for all students who, at the start date of their Accommodation Agreement, will be 17 years old or younger. Therefore, KLSS cannot be cancelled for the duration of the Accommodation Agreement (including for those students who turn 18 years old during the term of their Accommodation Agreement). However, KLSS is also offered as an optional Extra Service for any students who are 18 years old or over. If you have booked KLSS as an optional Extra Service and now wish to cancel, any refund for cancellation of KLSS is dependent on when we receive your request to cancel KLSS. If we receive a request to cancel any KLSS:  

Section 5 – what to you if you have a complaint in relation to any section of this policy 

If you are not satisfied that Kaplan have complied with this policy and wish to submit a complaint, our complaints policy (linked here) gives information on what you should do, together with details of how we will handle your complaint.  

Please contact the Accommodation Team at pathways.accommodation@kaplan.com if you have any questions, or require any further details. 

Published in November 2022
Last updated 01 May 2024